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The Rand MH Message Handling System:
The UCI BBoards Facility
Marshall T. Rosey
Wed May 21 21:03:57 PDT 1986
This document discusses how to process BBoards using the
Rand MH system. In particular, this guide discusses: check-
ing the status of a BBoard, viewing new messages, archive
handling, composing mail destined for a BBoard, and reply-
ing to a message posted to a BBoard.
Although this document is based on the standard MH
user manual[MH], this document is meant to supplement, not
supersede, that lengthier work.
Comments concerning this documentation should be ad-
dressed to the Internet mailbox Bug-MH@ICS.UCI.EDU.
y Computer Mail: MRose@NRTC.NORTHROP.COM.
The Rand MH Message Handling System:
The UCI BBoards Facility
The MH system described herein is based on the original Rand MH system.
It has been extensively developed (perhaps too much so) by Marshall Rose and
John Romine at the University of California, Irvine. Einar Stefferud, Jerry Sweet,
and Terry Domae provided numerous suggestions to improve the UCI version of
In particular, the UCI BBoards facility, which was suggested by Einar
Stefferud, has been in place at the University of California, Irvine (in one form or
another) for the last two and one-half years. The UCI BBoards facilities runs under
both MMDF and SendMail, and, in a more restricted form, under stand-alone MH.
The Regents of the University of California wish to make it known that:
"Although each program has been tested by its contributor, no warranty, express or
implied, is made by the contributor or the University of California, as to the accuracy
and functioning of the program and related program material, nor shall the fact of
distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the
contributor or the University of California in connection herewith."
This document explains how to use the UCI BBoards facility to a user
familiar with MH and the UNIX1 operating system in general. A large degree of
expertise is not assumed. This document does not attempt to introduce MH to the
novice user (for that task, consult the MH tutorial known as [MH.TUT]). Additional
information on the programs discussed here (particularly bbc) is to be found in
1 UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
In this document, certain TEX-formatting conventions are adhered to:
1. The names of UNIX commands, such as comp, are presented in text
2. Arguments to programs, such as `msgs' , are presented in typewriter
style and delimited by single-quotes.
3. UNIX pathnames and envariables, such as /usr/uci/ and $ SIGNATURE ,
are presented in slanted roman.
4. Text presenting an example, such as
comp -editor zz
is presented in typewriter style.
MH is a very powerful message handling system that runs under the UNIX
operating system. One of the many features which MH offers is an interface to
the UCI BBoards facility. This facility permits the efficient distribution of interest
group messages on a single host, a group of hosts under a single administration,
and the ARPA Internet community.
Described simply, a interest group is composed of a number of subscribers
with a common interest. These subscribers post mail to a single address, known
as a distribution address. From this distribution address, a copy of the message
is sent to each subscriber. Each group has a moderator, which is the person that
runs the the group. This moderator can usually be reached at a special address,
known as a request address. Usually, the responsibilities of the moderator are quite
simple, since the mail system handles the distribution to subscribers automatically.
In some cases, the interest group, instead of being distributed directly to its
subscribers, is put into a digest format by the moderator and then sent to the
subscribers. Although this requires more work on the part of the moderator, such
groups tend to be better organized.
Unfortunately, there are a few problems with the scheme outlined above.
First, if two users on the same host subscribe to the same interest group, two copies
of the message get delivered. This is wasteful of both processor and disk resources.
Second, some of these groups carry a lot of traffic. Although subscription
to an group does indicate interest on the part of a subscriber, it is usually not
interesting to get 50 messages or so delivered to the user's private maildrop each
day, interspersed with personal mail, that is likely to be of a much more important
and timely nature.
Third, if a subscriber on the distribution list for a group becomes "bad"
somehow, the originator of the message and not the moderator of the group is
notified. It is not uncommon for a large list to have 10 or so bogus addresses
present. This results in the originator being flooded with "error messages" from
mailers across the ARPA Internet stating that a given address on the list was bad.
Needless to say, the originator usually could not care less if the bogus addresses
got a copy of the message or not. The originator is merely interested in posting a
message to the group at large. Furthermore, the moderator of the group does care
if there are bogus addresses on the list, but ironically does not receive notification.
To solve all of these problems, the UCI BBoards facility introduces a new
entity into the picture: all interest group mail is handled by a special component of
the mail system. The distribution address maps to a special channel that performs
several actions. First, if local delivery is to be performed, then a copy of the
message is placed in a global maildrop for the interest group with a timestamp
and a unique number. Local users can read messages posted for the interest group
by reading the file. Second, if further distribution is to take place, a copy of
the message is sent to the distribution address in such a way that if any of the
addresses are bogus, the failure notice is sent to the maintainer of the group and
not the originator.
This scheme has several advantages: First, messages delivered to the host
are processed and saved once in a globally accessible area. The UCI BBoards
facility supports software which allows a user to query the interest group for
new messages and to read those messages in the MH-style. Second, once a host
subscribes to an interest group, a user can add or remove him/herself from the list
without contacting the moderator. Third, a hierarchical distribution scheme can
be constructed to further reduce the amount of message traffic. Fourth, errors are
prevented from propagating. When an address on the distribution list goes bad,
the request address immediately responsible for the address is notified. Usually,
this is the local PostMaster and not the group moderator.
In addition to solving the problems outlined above, the UCI BBoards facility
supports several other capabilities. BBoards may be automatically archived in
order to conserve disk space and reduce processing time when reading them.
Special alias files may be generated which allow the MH user to shorten
address type-in. For example, instead of sending to ``SF-Lovers@Rutgers'' ,
a user of MH usually sends to ``SF-Lovers'' and the MH aliasing facility
automatically makes the appropriate expansion in the headers of the outgoing
message. Hence, one need only know the name of a interest group and not its
Finally, the UCI BBoards facility supports private interest groups using the
UNIX group access mechanism. This allows a group of people on the same or
different machines to conduct a private discussion.
The practical upshot of all this is that the UCI BBoards facility automates the
vast majority of BBoards handling from the point of view of both the PostMaster
and the user.
BBoard Handling
Usually the term BBoard is used interchangeably with the terms discussion
group and interest group. This is true of the discussion that follows.
The messages for a BBoard delivered locally are kept in the same format as a
maildrop.2 Unlike the user's private maildrop however, the inc program is not run
to incorporate new BBoard messages into the user's MH ``+inbox'' folder. The
programs which are used will be discussed momentarily.
Each message in a BBoard maildrop has a unique number and a timestamp.
The number, called the BBoard-ID, is always ascending. The BBoard-ID of a
message should NOT be confused with the message number of a message, which
can change as messages are removed from the BBoard. The BBoard-ID is a value
which is unique for every message delivered locally to the BBoard.
To read BBoards, the MH user invokes bbc. The bbc program has several
switches to direct it's action. The `-topics' switch to bbc tells the MH user about
the status of a BBoard. The `-check' switch to bbc lets the MH user check on the
activity of a BBoard. The `-read' switch to bbc invokes the msh program on the
BBoard. msh is a monolithic program which contains most of the functionality of
MH in a single program. These commands are now discussed in greater detail.
BBoard status
The `-topics' option to the bbc program can be used to report information
about a BBoard that does not pertain to the user's reading habits. If the MH users
bbc -topics
then bbc will list the following information for all BBoards received on the host:
- the official name of the BBoard
- the number of messages delivered to the BBoard (but not necessarily
2 Actually, your site might be running with all BBoards kept on a single host. MH supports the
remote access of BBoards using a modified version of the ARPA Post Office Protocol (POP). This
has the advantage that it saves a lot of disk space, and incurs only a modest performance penalty.
- the date and time of the last message delivered to the BBoard
In addition to `-topics' , if the `-verbose' option is given to bbc, then more
information is listed:
- any aliases the BBoard is known as
- the local leaders of the BBoard
- the file that the BBoard is locally delivered to
- the "global" distribution address
- the "global" request address
- the host that distributes the BBoard to the local host
- the addresses to which this host distributes
- miscellaneous information (presently only archiving status)
Naturally, bbc can be invoked with the `-topics' option and one or more BBoard
names listed on its command line. For example
bbc -topics unix-wizards
is completely acceptable _ it tells bbc to report the status of the BBoard
``unix-wizards'' .
BBoard checking
The `-check' option to the bbc program can be used to check for new BBoard
messages in a synchronous fashion (i.e., when you specifically ask for it). The MH
users types
bbc -check
and bbc consults the profile entry for ``bboards:'' in the user's .mh_profile file.
For each BBoard listed, bbc prints one of several messages depending on the status
of both the BBoard and the user's reading habits (for example, in the case of the
mythical BBoard ``foo'' ):
1. ``foo -- n items unseen''
This message indicates items in the BBoard have not been seen by the
user. When bbc is invoked with the ``quiet'' switch, this is the only
informative message that bbc will print out. Users of MH usually put
bbc -check -quiet
in their $ HOME/.login file.
2. ``foo -- empty''
The BBoard is empty.
3. ``foo -- n items (none seen)''
The BBoard has n items in it, but the user hasn't seen any.
4. ``foo -- n items (all seen)''
The BBoard is non-empty, and the user has seen everything in it.
5. ``foo -- n items seen out of m''
The BBoard has at most m n items that the user has not seen.
It is important to note that bbc performs its calculations on BBoard-ID:s and not
the messages actually present in a BBoard. This means that the numbers given by
bbc are maximal end-points. When bbc says n, bbc means "at most n".
Naturally, bbc can be invoked with the `-check' option and one or more
BBoards listed on its command line. For example
bbc -check info-c poli-sci
is completely acceptable _ it tells bbc to check on the BBoards ``info-c'' and
``poli-sci'' only.
There are two ways to check for new BBoard messages in an asynchronous
fashion: using the CShell variable $ mail and running the useto program.
Asynchronous Checking with the CShell
The CShell has a variable called $ mail . This variable can contain one or more
words. Each word should be a filename where the shell should check for new mail.
The check is performed after a specified time interval has elapsed just before the
shell would prompt the user.
If the first word of $ mail is a number, then this number specifies a different
checking interval, in seconds, than the default, which is 10 minutes.
Whenever the time interval elapses and the shell is ready to prompt the user,
the shell looks at the file and decides if new messages have arrived. If so, it says
You have new mail.
if only one file is present in $ mail . Otherwise, if more than one file is present in
$ mail , then the shell says
New mail in foo.
whenever there is new mail in the file called ``foo'' .
To find out what file is associated with a BBoard, say ``info-unix'' , the
MH user types
bbc -topics -verbose info-unix
Usually the local file for a BBoard has an extension of .mbox .
Asynchronous Checking with Useto
In contrast to using the $mail variable in the CShell, the MH user might
employ useto instead.3 The useto program is a continuous update display that
prints information on the status line of your terminal. Needless to say, your
terminal must support a status line in order to run useto. Not all terminals have
this capability, but for those that do it's usually well worth the effort to run useto.
For example, users of MH could put
useto -bepf tcp-ip sftp % D % M % d % h:% m% z% b % n.tty% t:% l1
in their $ HOME/.login file. This command line to useto says to inform the user of
- the current date and time
- new mail for the user
- new messages for the BBoards ``tcp-ip'' and ``sftp''
- the name of the host and tty that the user is logged in on
- the 5-minute load average of that host
The useto program is really quite amusing and useful.4
BBoard reading
If bbc is not given either the `-check' or `-topics' option, the bbc program
reads BBoard messages. For each BBoard listed in the MH user's profile entry for
``bboards:'' , bbc checks to see if there is unread mail. If so, bbc starts msh on
the BBoard, telling msh which messages haven't been seen.5
When msh starts it identifies the BBoard being read and indicates how many
messages are present and how many the user has read. Usually, in the user's MH
profile, the user has the entry
msh: -scan
3 Not all sites have useto; contact the same people who supplied MH to get a copy.
4 To be honest, the author considers computing environments without useto to be less than
5 If the `-verbose' option is given to bbc, then bbc will start msh on the BBoard regardless of
whether there are unseen messages there.
This says that when msh starts, it should print a scan listing of the messages which
the user hasn't seen yet.
The msh program now prompts the user for MH commands. The user may
type most of the normal MH command. The syntax and semantics of the commands
typed to msh are identical to their MH counterparts. For example, to reply to
a message on the BBoard, the MH user types ``repl'' ; other MH commands
likewise may be applied to BBoard messages. In cases where the nature of msh
would be inconsistent (e.g., specifying a `+folder' with some commands), msh
will duly inform the user. In addition to supporting most MH commands, msh also
has a ``help'' command which gives a brief overview.
The only command that behaves entirely differently in msh is the ``mark''
command when given no arguments. The msh program maintains a special
sequence, ``unseen'' , which it uses to keep track of the messages you've seen. If
the ``mark'' command is given without any arguments, then msh will interpret it
mark -sequence unseen -delete -nozero all
Hence, to discard all of the messages in the current BBoard being read, the MH
user types ``mark'' which says to remove all messages from sequence called
``unseen'' .
To leave msh use the ``quit'' command. This tells msh to terminate and
bbc to go to the next BBoard. Instead, if the user types EOT (usually CTRL-D),
then bbc will exit as well, updating whatever information was appropriate.
Current BBoards
There are many, many active interest groups. Consult the BBoard called
``list-of-lists'' for a comprehensive description. Here are a few of the more
system Important announcements for the local system are posted here.
mh-users A discussion group for users of MH.
arpanet-bboards Redistribution address for all known BBoards on the ARPAnet.
editor-people Discussion of topics related to computerized text editing, display
editors, and human factors in man/machine interaction. The theoretical
discussion is catholic, but practical discussion focuses particularly on
Tops206 and UNIX.
franz-friends Discusses the Franz Lisp language.
6 Tops20 is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
header-people Interest specifically in the format of message headers and related issues
such as inter-network mail formats/standards, etc.
human-nets Human-Nets has discussed many topics, all of them related in some
way to the theme of a world-wide computer and telecommunications
network usually called WorldNet. The topics have ranged very widely,
from something like tutorials, to state of the art discussions, to rampant
speculation about technology and its impact.
info-micro Information/discussion list on the general interest topic of microcom-
info-unix Info-UNIX is intended for question/answer discussion, where "novice"
system administrators can pose questions.
msggroup Interest in electronic mail, message formats, message systems, and the
sociological implications of the above.
poli-sci A permanent distributed political "bull" session.
sf-lovers Science Fiction lovers. SF-Lovers has discussed many topics, all of them
related in some way to the theme of science fiction or fantasy.
space Discussions (daily digest) on space-related topics.
telecom A broad spectrum moderated-digest-format discussion on telecommu-
nictions technology: the telephone system, modems, and other more
technical aspects of telecommunications systems.
unix-emacs Used for new release announcements and general discussions of Gosling's
unix-wizards Distribution list for people maintaining machines running the UNIX
operating system.
As discussed earlier, to find out about all of the BBoards that the local host
subscribes to, the MH users types
bbc -topics
More on BBoards
Finally, here are a few more operational details:
Creating a BBoard
Contact the PostMaster at your host to have a BBoard created. Be sure to
indicate its status (public or private) and scope (where distribution should occur).
Subscribing to a BBoard
If your local host already receives an interest group, then simply add the
name of the BBoard to the ``bboards:'' entry in your MH profile. If not, ask the
PostMaster to create the BBoard and contact the global request address for you.
BBoard Archives
BBoard messages are automatically archived on a weekly basis. Usually, this
results in messages older than 12 days being moved to an archive area. To read
the archives for a BBoard, the `-archive' option is used. For example,
bbc -archive telecom
tells bbc to invoke msh on the archives for the ``telecom'' BBoard.
Note that the archives may not be present for all BBoards on a given host;
also note that the archives may be periodically moved to tape and expunged from
the system. Contact your local PostMaster for the details.
BBoard Addresses
Each BBoard has associated with it 4 addresses (for example, in the case of
the mythical BBoard ``foo'' ):
foo The global distribution list
If you post a message addressed to foo then the message is distributed
to everyone who subscribes to ``foo'' .
dist-foo The local distribution list
If you post a message addressed to dist-foo then the message is
distributed to the local BBoard for ``foo'' and to any sites which the
local system distributes to.
foo-request The global moderator
If you post a message addressed to foo-request then the message is
sent to the moderator for the entire interest group called ``foo'' .
local-foo-request The local moderator
If you post a message addressed to local-foo-request then the
message is sent to the person responsible for the BBoard ``foo'' on
the local system.
These addresses are defined by the MH alias facility. Users of the BBoards facility
who do not use MH may not be able to make use of them.
Leading a BBoard
Except for special circumstances, this task is wholly automated. For more
information though, see the manual entries for bbl (1) and bbleaders (8).
Extra for Experts
Some clever MH users might ask why BBoards aren't kept as folders instead
of pack'd files. This is a good question. Perhaps some future release of MH and the
UCI BBoards facility will treat BBoards as a variant of read-only folders.
The problem with msh, of course, is that it's a monolithic program, and
although it does support input/output redirection and a few other primitive
shell-like properties, it's still not the CShell.
[MH] M.T. Rose, J.L. Romine. The Rand MH Message Handling System:
User's Manual. UCI Version. Department of Information and Computer
Science, University of California, Irvine (July, 1984).
[MH.TUT] M.T. Rose. The Rand MH Message Handling System: Tutorial.
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, University of
Delaware (October, 1984).
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
BBoard Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
BBoard status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
BBoard checking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Asynchronous Checking with the CShell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Asynchronous Checking with Useto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
BBoard reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Current BBoards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
More on BBoards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Creating a BBoard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Subscribing to a BBoard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
BBoard Archives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
BBoard Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Leading a BBoard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Extra for Experts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
This document (version #2.6) was TEXset April 12, 1990 with DISS.STY v103.